

At Isorropia, the concept of balance is not a simple equation of equilibrium, in fact this balance is manipulated, subverted and recreated into an unexplored territory with landscapes of creative freedom. A physical composition, a group of selected people with different backgrounds acting together and sharing a pattern of ideas, Art altogether. Gender definitions, regimes or façades are not necessary, only the freedom of personal style and the liberty to explore the many faces and emotions that art can provide. Being in the home of Isorropia Gallery means having a healthy creative “unblock” that fulfills the space around. The passion of a man drives ideas and his dreams connect people…This is Isorropia HomeGallery.

unFLOP paper

Giovanni Aponte

Elena Croci

Cultural communication is a translator, a sociological filter that tries to anticipate the needs of the ‘modern’ individual (2.0), by proposing forms of art, creations of art and communication in line with their cultural needs. Nowadays, there is a desire for an innovative intellectual stimulation, easy to understand and more personalized.
This urge stems from the modern demand for a constantly updated identity, always ready to be redefined in order to be present and heard.  As a result, the search for consensus extends also in knowledge.
Culture and the ability of storytelling are today additional prerequisites for the modern individual who requests to ’capture’ all those stimuli, “intellectual and artistic”, that are being proposed by the media.
Isorropia Homegallery is thus, the response to an unconscious “cliché” of the modern society, and seeks forms of communication made of substantial, stimulating and intellectual contents.
Isorropia Homegallery is an inhabited apartment, a space in constant transformation, composed of both visible and invisible parts.
Anyone can see the visible part which is the most immediate one, so concrete, a visual emotion that Isorropia Homegallery wants to share with its guests.
The second part, the invisible one, can be perceived only through a more introspective glance; it is an intangible form, an intangible value, made with passion and care that remains alive in time; where the true meaning is to rediscover oneself within a very personal inner space. An equilibrium (isorropia) between in and out.

Elena Croci

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